Conferences and Seminars
"It's a great game of chess that's being played--all over the world--if
this is the world at all, you know. Oh, what fun it is! How I wish
I was one of them! I wouldn't mind being a Pawn, if only I might
join--though of course I should like to be a Queen, best."
I organised 13 international conferences.
I was an invited speaker at 40 conferences.
In total I actively participated in more than 90 international
conferences and gave about 140 seminars across the world.
For a complete list of conferences
I was involved in (as participant, speaker or organiser)
and seminars I gave, see below.
Currently, I am involved in organising
(jointly with L. Cossetti, B. Gerhat and P. Siegl)
a CIRM conference:
This is intended as a follow-up of meetings on the same topic
held in Europe and North America in the last fifteen years,
see below and
Forthcoming events:
- Workshop:
Matter of Shapes;
Cortona, Italy, 26-30 May 2025.
Invited talk: tba.
- Summer school:
Aspects of Spectral Theory for Linear Operators;
Bogota, Colombia, 3-6 June 2025.
Invited lecture: Geometrical aspects of spectral theory.
- Summer school:
Control, Inverse Problems and Spectral Theory;
Toulouse, France, 23-27 June 2025.
Invited lecture: Spectral geometry: old questions and new answers.
- Conference:
Recent trends in calculus of variations and PDE;
Oldenburg, Germany, 21-25 July 2025.
Invited talk: tba.
- QMath16 conference:
Mathematical Results in Quantum Theory;
Munich, Germany, 1-5 September 2025.
Invited talk: tba.
- Conference:
Spectral Theory and Differential Operators;
Graz, Austria, 15-19 September 2025.
Invited talk: tba.
- CIRM conference:
Wave propagation in guiding structures;
Marseille, France, 27 October - 1 November 2025.
Invited talk: tba.
Organised conferences:
- CIRM conference:
Mathematical aspects of the physics with non-self-adjoint operators,
Marseille, France, 3-7 June 2024.
Co-organisers: L. Boulton, L. Cossetti and P. Siegl.
- BIRS workshop:
Mathematical aspects of the physics with non-self-adjoint operators,
Banff, Canada, 10-15 July 2022.
Co-organisers: L. Boulton and P. Siegl.
- CIRM conference:
Mathematical aspects of the physics with non-self-adjoint operators:
10 years after,
Marseille, France, 23-27 March 2020;
re-scheduled for 7-11 December 2020
and then again for 1-5 February 2021.
Co-organisers: L. Boulton and P. Siegl.
- AIM workshop:
Shape optimization with surface interactions;
San Jose, USA, 17-21 June 2019.
Co-organisers: E. Harrell and V. Lotoreichik.
- CIRM conference:
Mathematical aspects of the physics with non-self-adjoint operators,
Marseille, France, 5-9 June 2017.
Co-organiser: P. Siegl.
- AAMP13:
Analytic and algebraic methods in physics,
Prague, Czech Republic, 6-9 June 2016.
Conference in honour of
Miloslav Znojil's
70th birthday.
Co-organiser: P. Siegl.
- BCAM Workshop:
Geometrical aspects of spectral theory,
Bilbao, Spain, 4-6 April 2016.
Co-organisers: T. Ourmieres-Bonafos and L. Vega.
- AIM workshop:
Mathematical aspects of physics with non-self-adjoint operators,
San Jose, USA, 8-12 June 2015;
(details here).
Co-organisers: L. Boulton and P. Siegl.
- ICMS workshop:
Mathematical aspects of the physics with non-self-adjoint operators,
Edinburgh, UK, 11-15 March 2013.
Co-organisers: L. Boulton and P. Siegl.
Operator Theory, Analysis and Mathematical Physics,
Barcelona, Spain, 11-14 June 2012.
Co-organisers: J. Janas, P. Kurasov, A. Laptev, S. Naboko and J. Puig.
- ESF exploratory workshop:
Mathematical aspects of the physics with non-self-adjoint operators,
Prague, Czech Republic, 30 August - 3 September 2010.
Main convenor.
Co-organisers: J.-P. Gazeau and P. Siegl.
- ICMP2009:
XVI International Congress on Mathematical Physics,
Prague, Czech Republic, August 2009.
Member of the Local Organising Committee.
Operator Theory in Quantum Physics,
Prague, Czech Republic, 9-14 September 2006.
Member of the Organising Committee.
Complete chronological list of past events
- QGraph conference:
Quantum graphs in Mathematics, Physics and Applications;
Stockholm, Sweden, 6-8 December 2024.
Invited talk: The wave equation with Dirac damping on a non-compact star graph.
- WOTCA workshop:
Workshop on Operator Theory, Complex Analysis, and Applications;
Funchal, Portugal, 22-26 July 2024.
Invited talk: Can one hear the shape of an electric drum?
- Summer School:
Effective Approximation and Dynamics of Many-Body Quantum Systems;
Metz, France, 24-27 June 2024.
Institut Elie Cartan de Lorraine,
Universite de Lorraine;
Metz, France, 14 May 2024;
Is the optimal rectangle a square?
- Spring School and Workshop:
Spectral Theory, Fourier Analysis and PDEs;
Bilbao, Spain, 27-31 May 2024.
Invited talk:
The virial theorem and the method of multipliers
in spectral theory.
Institut de Mathematiques de Bordeaux,
Universite de Bordeaux;
Bordeaux, France, 14 May 2024;
Is the optimal rectangle a square?
- Workshop:
Modeling of Electronic Structure in Material Science;
Ben Guerir, Morocco, 9-10 May 2024;
Invited talk:
Stark effect as a probe of nanostructure geometry.
Institut de Mathematiques de Bourgogne,
Universite de Bourgogne;
Dijon, France, 4 April 2024;
Is the optimal rectangle a square?
- COST conference:
Mathematical Models for Interacting Dynamics on Networks;
Braga, Portugal, 5-9 February 2024.
Invited talk:
What is the optimal shape of nanostructures?
- CIRM conference:
Spectral Analysis for Quantum Hamiltonians;
Marseille, France, 15-19 January 2024.
Georgi's game of twist.
Department of Mathematical Sciences,
University of Bath;
Bath, United Kingdom, 28 September 2023;
Is the optimal rectangle a square?
- 7th Najman Conference on
Spectral Theory and Differential Equations;
Brijuni, Croatia, 15-23 September 2023.
Invited talk: The virial theorem and the method of multipliers
in spectral theory.
High Frequency Analysis: from operator theory to PDEs;
Angers, France, 28 August - 1 September 2023.
Invited talk: Magnetic Hardy inequalities in the Heisenberg group.
- WOTCA workshop:
Workshop on Operator Theory, Complex Analysis, and Applications;
Evora, Portugal, 24-28 July 2023.
Invited talk: Complex-self-adjointness.
Mini-courses in Mathematical Analysis;
Padova, Italy, 19-23 June 2023.
Invited mini-course: Spectral geometry of tubes.
Lecture notes HERE
and on
- Wallenberg Symposium in memory of Sergey Naboko:
Analysis and Mathematical Physics;
Stockholm, Sweden, 27-30 June 2022; re-scheduled for 19-22 June 2023;
then declined.
Invited talk.
- Workshop:
Functional Analysis and Quantum Physics:
interplay, challenges, perspectives;
Palermo, Italy, 5-9 June 2023.
Invited talk: Is the optimal rectangle a square?
Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas,
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid;
Madrid, Spain, 13 September 2019;
Is the optimal rectangle a square?
- Workshop:
Numerical and theoretical advances in quantum mechanics;
Toulouse, France, 16-20 January 2023.
Invited talk: Is the optimal rectangle a square?
Czech Academy of Sciences;
Prague, Czech Republic, 5 January 2023;
Is the optimal rectangle a square?
- Workshop:
Challenges in Spectral Theory of Differential Operators;
Graz, Austria, 18-22 December 2022.
Invited talk: Quasi-conical domains with embedded eigenvalues.
Seminar soucasne matematiky:
Department of Mathematics FNSPE CTU in Prague;
Prague, Czech Republic, 21 October 2022;
Je optimalni obdelnik ctverec?
- Workshop:
Qualitative and quantitative aspects of nonlinear PDEs;
Bari, Italy, 5-9 September 2022.
Invited talk: Is the optimal rectangle a square?
15th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation;
Palaiseau, France, 25-30 July 2021; re-scheduled for 24-29 July 2022.
Plenary talk: The virial theorem and the method of multipliers in spectral theory.
AMS-SMF-EMS Joint International Meeting:
Special session on Spectral Optimization;
Grenoble, France, 5-9 July 2021; re-scheduled for 18-22 July 2022.
Invited talk: Is the optimal rectangle a square?
- WOTCA workshop:
Operator Theory, Complex Analysis and Applications;
Young Researchers in Functional Analysis and Mathematical Physics;
Faro, Portugal, 20-24 June 2022.
Invited talk: Is the optimal rectangle a square?
MAFIA Seminar:
Department of Mathematics FNSPE CTU in Prague;
Prague, Czech Republic, 14 June 2022;
The virial theorem and the method of multipliers in spectral theory.
Departement de Mathematiques,
Universite d'Angers;
Angers, France, 3 May 2022;
Is the optimal rectangle a square?
- ESI Workshop:
Spectral Theory of Differential Operators in Quantum Theory;
Vienna, Austria, 7-11 September 2020; re-scheduled for 4-8 October 2021;
Invited talk.
- WOTCA workshop:
Operator Theory, Complex Analysis
and Applications;
Lisboa, Portugal, 21-24 June 2021.
Invited talk: Spectral analysis of Dirac and Pauli operators.
- Student conference:
Kombinatorika na slovech a matematicka fyzika;
Herbertov, Czech Republic, 15-18 June 2021.
Oral contribution: Bound states in semi-Dirac semi-metals.
- CIRM school:
Shape Optimization, Spectral Geometry and Calculus of Variations;
Marseille, France, 29 March - 2 April, 2021.
Invited talk: Spectrum of the Mobius strip: true, fake and not-so-fake.
Department of Mathematics,
Instituto Superior Tecnico;
Lisbon, Portugal, 3 & 5 August 2020;
Non-Hermitian quantum mechanics, quasi-self-adjointness, PT-symmetry, and all that.
- COST Workshop:
Mathematical models for interacting dynamics on networks;
Zagreb, Croatia, 24-27 February 2020.
Oral contribution: Spectral geometry of quantum waveguides: 5 Open Problems.
- CIRM Workshop:
Special Functions and Semi-Classical Approximation;
Marseille, France, 4-6 February 2020.
Invited talk: Pseudomodes for Schroedinger operators with complex potentials.
- Spring school on
Mathematical Physics and Analysis;
Santiago de Chile, Chile, 14-22 October 2019.
Mini-course: Geometrical aspects of spectral theory.
Lecture notes HERE.
- Conference:
Shape Optimization and Isoperimetric and Functional Inequalities;
Levico Terme, Italy, 23-27 September 2019.
Invited talk: Location of hot spots in thin curved strips.
Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas,
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid;
Madrid, Spain, 13 September 2019;
Spectral geometry of quantum waveguides.
Department of Physics,
ETH Zurich;
Zurich, Switzerland, 6 August 2019;
What is the optimal shape of vibrating membranes?
International Workshop on Operator Theory and its Applications;
Lisbon, Portugal, 22-26 July 2019.
Oral contribution:
From functional inequalities to spectral properties
of Schrodinger and Dirac operators.
Department of Mathematics,
University of California;
Los Angeles, USA, 27 June 2019;
What is the optimal shape of vibrating membranes?
Department of Mathematics,
University of California;
Irvine, USA, 25 June 2019;
Location of hot spots in thin curved strips.
- Student conference:
Kombinatorika na slovech a matematicka fyzika;
Decin, Czech Republic, 26-30 May 2019.
Oral contribution: From Symmetry to Monotonicity.
Differential Operators on Graphs and Waveguides;
Graz, Austria, 25 February - 1 March 2019.
Plenary talk: Waveguides with asymptotically diverging twisting.
Department of Mathematical Sciences,
Aalborg University;
Aalborg, Denmark, 30 January 2019;
Absence of eigenvalues of Schrodinger operators with complex potentials.
MAFIA Seminar:
Department of Mathematics FNSPE CTU in Prague;
Prague, Czech Republic, 5 February 2019;
Waveguides with asymptotically diverging twisting.
Faculty of Mathematics,
Technischen Universitat Chemnitz;
Chemnitz, Germany, 22 November 2018;
What is the optimal geometry for vibrating membranes?
Departement de Mathematiques d'Orsay;
Orsay, France, 15 October 2018;
Spectral analysis of the diffusion operator with random jumps from the boundary.
- Mini-Conference:
Non-selfadjoint Spectral Problems;
Nantes, France, 18 October 2018.
Invited speaker: Absence of eigenvalues of Schrodinger
operators with complex potentials.
Seminar soucasne matematiky:
Department of Mathematics FNSPE CTU in Prague;
Prague, Czech Republic, 8 October 2018;
Dido aneb Optimalita kruhu v geometrii a fyzice.
Centre de Physique Theorique;
Marseille, France, 26 September 2018;
What is the optimal geometry for the lowest eigenvalue of the Laplace operator?
- Workshop:
Mathematical Challenges of Zero-Range Physics:
rigorous results and open problems;
Rome, Italy, 9-13 July 2018.
- WOTCA workshop:
Operator Theory, Complex Analysis
and Applications;
Guimaraes, Portugal, 25-28 June 2018.
Invited talk: Location of hot spots in thin curved strips.
- Student conference:
Kombinatorika na slovech a matematicka fyzika;
Herbertov, Czech Republic, 17-21 June 2018.
Oral contribution: Location of hot spots in thin curved strips.
MAFIA Seminar:
Department of Mathematics FNSPE CTU in Prague;
Prague, Czech Republic, 20 March 2018;
On the research of Alexandra Enblom:
Location of eigenvalues of Schrodinger and Dirac operators
with complex potentials.
- The
Batsheva de Rothschild Seminar on:
Hardy-type Inequalities and Elliptic PDEs;
Midreshet Sde Boker, Israel, 7-11 January 2018.
Invited talk: Absence of eigenvalues of Schrodinger operators
with complex potentials.
Department of Mathematical Analysis,
Charles University;
Prague, Czech Republic, 15 November 2017;
From functional inequalities
to spectral properties of Schrodinger operators.
Department of Mathematics,
Instituto Superior Tecnico;
Lisbon, Portugal, 24 October 2017;
Absence of eigenvalues of Schrodinger operators
with complex potentials.
Seminar soucasne matematiky:
Department of Mathematics FNSPE CTU in Prague;
Prague, Czech Republic, 4 October 2017;
Optimalita kruhu ve fyzice aneb Spektralni geometrie.
School of Mathematics,
Georgia Institute of Technology;
Atlanta, USA, 27 September 2017;
Spectral geometry of quantum waveguides.
- Summer School and Workshop:
Harmonic Analysis, Spectral Theory and PDE's;
Rome, Italy, 12-15 September 2017.
Invited talk: Absence of eigenvalues of Schrodinger operators with complex potentials.
- Student conference:
Matematicke metody v teorii pevnych latek;
Decin, Czech Republic, 9-13 July 2017.
Oral contribution: Magnetic field in quantum mechanics.
- WOTCA workshop:
Operator Theory, Complex Analysis
and Applications;
Lisbon, Portugal, 3-6 July 2017.
Invited talk: Spectral analysis of the diffusion operator
with random jumps from the boundary.
Centre de Physique Theorique;
Marseille, France, 28 June 2017;
Absence of eigenvalues of Schrodinger operators with complex potentials.
XIV Advanced course in Operator Theory and Complex Analysis;
Madrid, Spain, 19-22 June 2017.
Plenary lecture: Schroedinger operators with complex potentials:
transition from spectra to pseudospectra.
Chaos, and what it can reveal;
Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic, 9-11 May 2017.
Conference in honour of Petr Seba's 60th birthday.
Contributed talk: The Brownian traveller on manifolds.
Spectral Days;
Stuttgart, Germany, 3-7 April 2017.
Invited talk: Absence of eigenvalues of Schrodinger operators with complex potentials.
MAFIA Seminar:
Department of Mathematics FNSPE CTU in Prague;
Prague, Czech Republic, 14 March 2017;
Absence of eigenvalues of Schrodinger operators with complex potentials.
Numerics and Mathematical Analysis for Singularities
and Eigenvalue Problems;
Rennes, France, 8-10 February 2017.
Conference in honour of
Monique Dauge's 60th birthday.
Invited talk: Spectral analysis of the diffusion operator with random jumps from the boundary.
Institut de Mathematiques,
Universite de Bordeaux;
Bordeaux, France, 7 February 2017;
What is the optimal geometry for the lowest eigenvalue of the Laplace operator?
Mathematical Institute,
University of Cologne;
Cologne, Germany, 9 January 2017;
What is the optimal geometry for the lowest eigenvalue of the Laplace operator?
Trikralova konference;
Prague, Czech Republic, 6 January 2017.
Plenary talk: Optimality of disk in physics.
Department of Mathematics,
University of Ostrava;
Ostrava, Czech Republic, 13 December 2016;
Spectral geometry of tubes.
CIRM conference:
Optimisation de formes et inegalites isoperimetriques et fonctionnelles;
Marseille, France, 21-25 November 2016.
Invited talk: Isoperimetric versus isochoric spectral optimisation
for the Robin problem.
Czech Academy of Sciences;
Prague, Czech Republic, 10 November 2016;
Stabilita hmoty aneb Jak klasicka fyzika selhala ve vysvetleni
existence naseho sveta a jak to kvantova mechanika napravila.
Department of Mathematics,
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology;
Haifa, Israel, 1 November 2016;
The Hardy inequality and the heat equation with magnetic field.
Physics Department,
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology;
Haifa, Israel, 30 October 2016;
Quantum mechanics with non-self-adjoint operators: transition from spectra to pseudospectra.
MAFIA Seminar:
Department of Mathematics FNSPE CTU in Prague;
Prague, Czech Republic, 25 October 2016;
Divny clovek na katedre.
Seminar soucasne matematiky:
Department of Mathematics FNSPE CTU in Prague;
Prague, Czech Republic, 12 October 2016;
Stabilita hmoty aneb Jak klasicka fyzika selhala
ve vysvetleni existence naseho sveta
a jak to kvantova mechanika napravila.
- QMath13:
Mathematical Results in Quantum Physics;
Atlanta, USA, 8-11 October 2016.
Organiser (with G. Berkolaiko and D. Mugnolo) of the topical session:
Quantum mechanics on graphs and similar structures.
- WOTCA workshop:
Operator Theory, Complex Analysis
and Applications;
Coimbra, Portugal, 21-24 June 2016.
Invited talk: What is the optimal geometry for the lowest
eigenvalue of the Laplace operator?
Doppler Institute;
Prague, Czech Republic, 14 June 2016;
Isoperimetric versus isochoric spectral optimisation
for the Robin problem.
Department of Mathematics,
Technische Universitat Darmstadt;
Darmstadt, Germany, 31 May 2016;
The Hardy inequality and the heat equation with magnetic field.
- Student conference:
Kombinatorika na slovech a matematicka fyzika;
Prague, Czech Republic, 23-24 May 2016.
Title: Kolaps membrany pod tlakem a Cheegerova mnozina.
Operators, Operator Families, and Asymptotics;
Bath, United Kingdom, 16-19 May 2016.
Invited talk: Non-self-adjoint graphs.
- CIRM conference:
Analyse semi-classique et operateurs non-autoadjoints;
Marseille, France, 14-18 December 2015.
Mathematical Institute,
University of Bern;
Bern, Switzerland, 17 November 2015;
The Hardy inequality and the heat equation with magnetic field.
Institute of Theoretical Physics,
Charles University;
Prague, Czech Republic, 20 October 2015;
From the Brownian motion through the stability
of matter to the spectral geometry of quantum waveguides.
Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering,
Czech Technical University in Prague;
Prague, Czech Republic, 14 October 2015;
Od Brownova pohybu pres stabilitu hmoty
az ke spektralni geometrii kvantovych vlnovodu.
(In English: From the Brownian motion through the stability
of matter to the spectral geometry of quantum waveguides.)
Coimbra, Portugal, 7-11 September 2015.
Invited talk at minisymposium "Algebraic methods in operator theory":
Non-self-adjoint graphs.
- Student conference:
Metody algebry a funkcionalni analyzy v aplikacich;
Telc, Czech Republic, 17-22 August 2015.
Reper pro prostorove krivky, jenz funguje vzdy.
Department of Mathematics,
University of California;
Los Angeles, USA, 4 June 2015;
Quantum mechanics with non-self-adjoint operators:
transition from spectra to pseudospectra.
Department of Mathematics,
University of California;
Irvine, USA, 2 June 2015;
Alexandrov's isodiametric conjecture
and the cut locus of a surface.
Waveguides: asymptotic methods and numerical analysis;
Napoli, Italy, 21-22 May 2015.
Invited talk: An indefinite Laplacian on a rectangle.
Pseudo-Hermitian Hamiltonians in Quantum Physics;
Palermo, Italy, 18-23 May 2015.
Member of the Scientific Committee.
Talk title: Metamaterials, complex refraction
and an indefinite Laplacian on a rectangle.
Basque Center for Applied Mathematics;
Bilbao, Spain, 10 March 2015;
The Hardy inequality and the heat equation with magnetic field.
Department of Theoretical Physics,
Nuclear Physics Institute ASCR;
Rez, Czech Republic, 20 February 2015;
The Aharonov-Bohm effect for the heat flow.
- GDR meeting:
Mathematical Physics;
Nantes, France, 2-6 February 2015;
Invited talk: Non-self-adjoint graphs.
Doppler Institute;
Prague, Czech Republic, 27 January 2015;
Non-self-adjoint graphs.
MFO mini-workshop:
Eigenvalue Problems in Surface Superconductivity,
Oberwolfach, Germany, 30 November - 6 December 2014;
Invited talk: The Hardy inequality and the heat equation
with magnetic field.
Spectral Theory and Mathematical Physics;
Santiago, Chile, 24-28 November 2014.
Invited talk: The effective dynamics in curved quantum waveguides and when it does not work.
Dipartimento di Matematica,
Sapienza Universita di Roma;
Rome, Italy, 30 October 2014;
The Hardy inequality and the heat equation with magnetic field.
TIGR and MAFIA Seminar:
Department of Mathematics,
Czech Technical University;
Prague, Czech Republic, 21 October 2014;
Metamaterials, d'Alembert operator on a rectangle
and badly approximable irrational numbers.
Seminar soucasne matematiky,
Department of Mathematics FNSPE CTU in Prague;
Prague, Czech Republic, 9 October 2014;
Stabilita hmoty a Hardyho nerovnosti.
(In English: Stability of matter and Hardy's inequalities).
Operator Theory, Analysis and Mathematical Physics;
Stockholm, Sweden, 7-11 July 2014.
Invited talk: Pseudospectra in non-Hermitian quantum mechanics.
- WOTCA workshop:
Operator Theory, Complex Analysis, and Applications;
Lisbon, Portugal, 19-21 June 2014.
Invited talk: The magnetic Laplacian in shrinking tubular neighbourhoods of hypersurfaces.
- Student conference:
Combinatorics on Words and Mathematical Physics;
Kruh u Jilemnice, Czech Republic, 17-24 May 2014.
Efektivni dynamika v kvantovych vlnovodech.
(In English: Effective dynamics in quantum waveguides).
Doppler Institute;
Prague, Czech Republic, 13 May 2014;
What is the optimiser for the lowest eigenvalue of
the Robin problem with attractive boundary parameter?
Dipartimento di Matematica e Applicazioni "Renato Caccioppoli",
Universita degli Studi di Napoli Federico II;
Naples, Italy, 7 April 2014;
Spectral geometry of the Laplacian and quantum waveguides.
Departamento de Matematica,
Instituto Superior Tecnico;
Lisboa, Portugal, 13 March 2014;
Pseudospectra in non-Hermitian quantum mechanics.
Seminar soucasne matematiky,
Department of Mathematics FNSPE CTU in Prague;
Prague, Czech Republic, 5 March 2014;
Kolaps, Cheegerova mnozina, BV funkce a Lena.
(In English: Collapse, the Cheeger set, BV functions and Lena).
Fakultat fur Mathematik,
Technische Universitat Chemnitz;
Chemnitz, Germany, 17 February 2014;
Spectral geometry of the Laplacian.
Large time behaviour of the heat equation with magnetic field.
Facultad de Matematicas,
Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile;
Santiago, Chile, 28 November 2013;
The improved decay rate for the heat semigroup
with local magnetic field in the plane.
Institute of Mathematics ASCR;
Prague, Czech Republic, 5 November 2013;
The effective Hamiltonian in curved quantum waveguides
and when it does not work.
- DI microconference:
Analytic and algebraic methods XI;
Prague, Czech Republic, 30 October - 1 November 2013.
Oral contribution:
Wild basis properties of the imaginary cubic oscillator.
- Visit to the UK supported by the
London Mathematical Society:
- Workshop in
New Trends in Shape Optimization;
Erlangen, Germany, 23-27 September 2013.
Invited talk:
The Brownian traveller on manifolds.
Equadiff 13;
Prague, Czech Republic, 26-30 August 2013.
Oral contribution:
The Brownian traveller on manifolds.
Organisation of a minisymposium on
Geometrical aspects of spectral theory.
Departamento de Matematica,
Instituto Superior Tecnico;
Lisboa, Portugal, 18 July 2013;
The Brownian traveller on manifolds.
- 2-Day OTCA Meeting:
Operator Theory, Complex Analysis and Applications;
Guimaraes, Portugal, 15-16 July 2013.
Oral contribution:
The Cheeger constant and why one should avoid corners.
- Seminar:
Institut de Mathematiques de Toulouse,
Universite Paul Sabatier;
Toulouse, France, 18 June 2013;
The Brownian traveller on manifolds.
- Student conference:
Combinatorics on Words and Mathematical Physics;
Dolni Lomna, Czech Republic, 19-25 May 2013.
Oral contribution:
Kvantovy cestovatel na varietach
(In English: Quantum traveller on manifolds).
Seminar soucasne matematiky,
Department of Mathematics FNSPE CTU in Prague;
Prague, Czech Republic, 9 May 2013;
Kvantovy cestovatel na varietach
(In English: Quantum traveller on manifolds).
- Seminar:
Department of Mathematics FNSPE CTU in Prague;
Prague, Czech Republic, 30 April 2013;
Quantum mechanics with non-self-adjoint operators.
(Presentation of a PhD thesis topic for students.)
Department of Theoretical Physics,
Nuclear Physics Institute ASCR;
Rez, Czech Republic, 25 January 2013;
The semiclassical fall of non-Hermitian quantum mechanics.
Institute of Mathematics ASCR;
Prague, Czech Republic, 8 January 2013;
The improved decay rate for the heat semigroup
with local magnetic field in the plane.
Laboratoire d'Analyse, Topologie, Probabilites,
Marseille, France, 5 December 2012;
The effective Hamiltonian in curved quantum waveguides
and when it does not work.
Grupo de Fisica Matematica da
Universidade de Lisboa;
Lisboa, Portugal, 23 November 2012;
The improved decay rate for the heat semigroup
with local magnetic field in the plane.
Doppler Institute;
Prague, Czech Republic, 6 November 2012;
The improved decay rate for the heat semigroup
with local magnetic field in the plane.
- Seminar:
Departement de Mathematiques,
Universite de Nantes;
Nantes, France, 18 October 2012;
The semiclassical fall of non-Hermitian quantum mechanics.
Doppler Institute;
Prague, Czech Republic, 9 October 2012;
The semiclassical fall of non-Hermitian quantum mechanics.
Non-Hermitian Operators in Quantum Physics;
Paris, France, 27-31 August 2012.
Plenary talk: Non-Hermitian operators in quantum physics.
Department of Mathematics,
Czech Technical University;
Prague, Czech Republic, 26 June 2012;
The Cheeger constant and why one should avoid corners.
- DI microconference:
Analytic and algebraic methods X;
Prague, Czech Republic, 4-7 May 2012.
Oral contribution:
On the similarity of Sturm-Liouville operators
with non-Hermitian boundary conditions
to self-adjoint and normal operators.
- CIRM conference:
Optimisation de formes et theorie spectrale;
Marseille, France, 28 May - 1 June 2012.
Oral contribution:
The Cheeger constant of curved strips.
- Student conference:
Combinatorics on Words and Mathematical Physics;
Svaty Jan pod Skalou, Czech Republic, 12-19 May 2012.
Oral contribution:
Od Brownova pohybu pres stabilitu hmoty
az ke spektralni geometrii kvantovych vlnovodu
(In English: From the Brownian motion through the stability
of matter to the spectral geometry of quantum waveguides).
Doppler Institute;
Prague, Czech Republic, 15 May 2012;
The Cheeger constant and why one should avoid corners.
Facultad de Matematicas,
Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile;
Santiago, Chile, 19 April 2012;
Twisting versus bending in curved quantum waveguides.
Departamento de Matematicas,
Universidad de Chile;
Santiago, Chile, 18 April 2012;
Spectral geometry of the Laplacian.
- 6th meeting of the EPSRC network:
Matrix and Operator Pencil;
Bath, UK, 2-3 April 2012.
Invited talk: Waveguides with non-Hermitian boundary conditions.
Seminar soucasne matematiky,
Department of Mathematics FNSPE CTU in Prague;
Prague, Czech Republic, 28 March 2012;
Od Brownova pohybu pres stabilitu hmoty
az ke spektralni geometrii kvantovych vlnovodu
(In English: From the Brownian motion through the stability
of matter to the spectral geometry of quantum waveguides).
- CIRM conference:
Spectral Analysis of Non-selfadjoint Operators;
Marseille, France, 12-16 December 2011;
Invited talk:
Waveguides with non-Hermitian boundary conditions.
Quantum graphs in Mathematics, Physics and Applications;
Stockholm, Sweden, 9-11 December 2011;
Oral contribution:
The effective Hamiltonian in curved quantum waveguides
and when it does not work.
Grupo de Fisica Matematica da
Universidade de Lisboa;
Lisboa, Portugal, 8 November 2011;
The effective Hamiltonian in curved quantum waveguides
and when it does not work.
Departamento de Matematica,
Instituto Superior Tecnico;
Lisboa, Portugal, 4 November 2011;
Non-Hermitian operators in quantum theory and PT-symmetry.
Partial differential equations and spectral theory;
London, UK, 5-8 September 2011.
Oral contribution:
On the similarity of Sturm-Liouville operators with non-Hermitian boundary conditions
to self-adjoint and normal operators.
Strategic Workshop with Convenors of ESF
Exploratory Workshops held in 2010;
Egelsbach, Germany, 29-30 August 2011.
Invited as the main convenor of an ESF Exploratory Workshop.
- QuInST international workshop:
Quantum Physics Days;
Bilbao, Spain, 14-18 June 2011.
Oral contribution:
Perfect transmission scattering as a non-Hermitian spectral problem.
Microlocal Methods in Mathematical Physics
and Global Analysis;
Tubingen, Germany, 14-18 June 2011.
Oral contribution:
The effective Hamiltonian in curved quantum waveguides
and when it does not work.
- Mini conference:
Guides d'ondes;
Rennes, France, 13-14 April 2011;
Invited talk: Twisting versus bending in quantum waveguides.
Departamento de Matematicas, Estadistica y Computacion,
Universidad de Cantabria;
Santander, Spain, 31 March 2011;
Spectral geometry of the Laplacian and quantum waveguides.
- 3rd meeting of the GDR:
Quantum Dynamics;
Orleans, France, 2-4 February 2011;
Invited talk: Non-Hermitian operators in quantum theory
and PT-symmetry.
Institut fur Mathematik,
Johannes Gutenberg-Universitat Mainz;
Mainz, Germany, 12 January 2011;
The Hardy inequality and the asymptotic behaviour
of the heat equation in twisted waveguides.
- CIRM conference
Quantum Dynamics: conference in honor of Pierre Duclos;
Marseille, France, 25-27 November 2010;
Invited talk: The Hardy inequality and the asymptotic behaviour
of the heat equation in twisted waveguides.
Departamento de Matematicas,
Universidad del Pais Vacso;
Bilbao, Spain, 18 November 2010;
The Hardy inequality and the asymptotic behaviour
of the heat equation in twisted waveguides.
Basque Center for Applied Mathematics;
Bilbao, Spain, 5 November 2010;
The Hardy inequality and the asymptotic behaviour
of the heat equation in twisted waveguides.
- QMath11:
Mathematical Results in Quantum Mechanics
Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic, 6-10 September 2010.
- DI microconference:
Analytic and algebraic methods VI;
Prague, Czech Republic, 10-11 May 2010.
Course on Applied and Computational Mathematics:
Basque Center for Applied Mathematics;
Bilbao, Spain, 22-26 March 2010;
Schrodinger operators and their spectra.
- CSASC 2010:
Joint Mathematical Conference;
Prague, Czech Republic, 22-27 January 2010;
Oral contribution:
The Hardy inequality and the asymptotic behaviour
of the heat equation in twisted domains.
Mathematisches Institut,
Universitat Tubingen;
Tubingen, Germany, 24 November 2009;
Twisting versus bending in quantum waveguides.
Soutez praci UJF v roce 2009;
Rez, Czech Republic, 19 November 2009.
Oral contribution:
Hardyho nerovnost ve zkroucenych vlnovodech
(In English: A Hardy inequality in twisted waveguides).
Department of Mathematics,
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology;
Haifa, Israel, 10 November 2009;
The Hardy inequality and the asymptotic behaviour
of the heat equation in twisted domains.
Institut de Mathematiques de Toulon,
Universite du Sud Toulon-Var;
Toulon, France, 24 September 2009;
L'inegalite de Hardy et le comportement asymptotique
de l'equation de la chaleur dans les domaines tubulaires.
- Workshop:
Partial Differential Equations, Optimal Design and Numerics;
Benasque, Spain, August-September 2009.
Oral contribution: The Hardy inequality
and the asymptotic behaviour of the heat equation in twisted domains.
Organisation of an open session on
Spectral theory
of non-Hermitian operators.
Oral contribution to an open session on Geometric
inequalities and PDE's.
- ICMP2009:
XVI International Congress on Mathematical Physics;
Prague, Czech Republic, August 2009;
Member of the Local Organizing Committee.
Oral contribution:
The Hardy inequality and the asymptotic behaviour of
the heat equation in twisted domains.
- DI microconference:
Analytic and algebraic methods V;
Prague, Czech Republic, 27-28 May 2009.
8. setkani matematickych fyziku;
Praha, Czech Republic, April 2009.
Quantization day 2;
Prague, Czech Republic, 24 March 2009.
Oral contribution:
Quantum traveller on manifolds.
- Third School and Workshop on:
Mathematical Methods in Quantum Mechanics;
Bressanone, Italy, February 2009;
Oral contribution:
The Brownian motion in twisted waveguides.
- First Winter School at IMDEA on
PDE's and Inequalities;
Madrid, Spain, January 2009;
Invited lecture:
The Hardy inequality and the asymptotic behaviour
of the heat equation in twisted domains.
Basque Center for Applied Mathematics;
Bilbao, Spain, 21 January 2009;
The Hardy inequality and the asymptotic behaviour
of the heat equation in twisted domains.
Doppler Institute;
Prague, Czech Republic, 13 January 2009;
The death of a Brownian particle in twisted domains.
Department of Theoretical Physics,
Nuclear Physics Institute ASCR;
Rez, Czech Republic, 7 November 2008;
The Brownian motion in twisted waveguides.
Dipartimento di Matematica "F. Casorati",
Universita di Pavia;
Pavia, Italy, 8 July 2008;
Spectral geometry of the Laplacian.
Department of Theoretical Physics,
Comenius University;
Bratislava, Slovakia, 27 May 2008;
Kvantovy cestovatel na varietach
(In English: Quantum traveller on manifolds).
Centre de Physique Theorique;
Marseille, France, 7 May 2008;
Operateurs non auto-adjoints en mecanique quantique
et la PT-symetrie.
Doppler Institute;
Rez, Czech Republic, 26 March 2008;
Non-Hermitian spectral effects in a PT-symmetric waveguide.
Doppler Institute;
Prague, Czech Republic, 8 January 2008;
The Brownian motion in twisted waveguides.
IMDEA Mathematics Foundation,
Universidad Autonoma de Madrid;
Madrid, Spain, 29 November 2007;
Hardy inequalities in twisted waveguides.
- Workshop:
Partial Differential Equations, Optimal Design and Numerics;
Benasque, Spain, August-September 2007;
Oral contribution:
Non-Hermitian operators in quantum theory and PT-symmetry;
Organisation of an open session on Spectral geometry.
6th International Workshop:
Pseudo-Hermitian Hamiltonians in Quantum Physics;
London, UK, July 2007;
Oral contribution:
Bound states in a PT-symmetric waveguide.
- DI microconference:
Analytic and algebraic methods III;
Prague, Czech Republic, 19 June 2007.
- Seminar:
Department of Mathematics,
Royal Institute of Technology;
Stockholm, Sweden, 25 April 2007
Nodal set of the Laplacian.
- Workshop:
Graph Models of Mesoscopic Systems,
Wave-Guides and Nano-Structures;
Cambridge, UK, April 2007;
Oral contribution:
Twisting versus bending in quantum waveguides
- DI microconference:
Analytic and algebraic methods II;
Prague, Czech Republic, 3 April 2007;
Oral contribution:
A simple PT-symmetric model.
Grupo de Fisica Matematica da
Universidade de Lisboa;
Lisboa, Portugal, 26 March 2007;
Non-Hermitian operators in quantum theory and PT-symmetry.
Centro de Matematica e Aplicacoes,
Universidade Nova de Lisboa;
Caparica, Portugal, 12 March 2007;
Quantum traveller on manifolds.
Doppler Institute;
Rez, Czech Republic, 18 January 2007;
Can one have a nodal line in 2D
which does not touch the boundary?
- Workshop:
Spectra, Algorithms and Data Analysis II;
Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic, December 2006.
Institute of Particle and Nuclear Physics,
Charles University;
Prague, Czech Republic, 18 October 2006;
Kvantovy cestovatel na varietach
(In English: Quantum traveller on manifolds).
Operator Theory in Quantum Physics;
Prague, Czech Republic, 9-14 September 2006;
Member of the Organizing Committee.
Physics Department,
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology;
Haifa, Israel, 9 July 2006;
Twisting vs bending in quantum waveguides.
Institut Camille Jordan,
Universite Claude Bernard Lyon 1;
Lyon, France, 24 May 2006;
Inegalites de type Hardy pour les domaines tubulaires.
Centre de Physique Theorique;
Marseille, France, 17 May 2006;
Inegalites de type Hardy pour les domaines tubulaires.
Departement de Mathematiques,
Universite de Reims;
Reims, France, 9 May 2006;
Inegalites de type Hardy pour les domaines tubulaires.
Grupo de Fisica Matematica
Universidade de Lisboa;
Lisboa, Portugal, 31 March 2006;
Hardy inequalities in tubular domains.
Quantum Circle,
Doppler Institute;
Prague, Czech Republic, 14 March 2006;
A Hardy inequality in a twisted Dirichlet-Neumann waveguide.
- Workshop:
Spectra, Algorithms and Data Analysis;
Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic, February 2006.
- Seminar:
Mathematisches Institut A,
Universitat Stuttgart;
Stuttgart, Germany, 21 February 2006;
Hardy inequalities in strips on ruled surfaces.
Quantum Circle,
Doppler Institute;
Prague, Czech Republic, 7 December 2005;
Hardy inequalities in strips on ruled surfaces.
Fakultat fur Mathematik,
Technische Universitat Chemnitz;
Chemnitz, Germany, 7 November 2005;
Twisting vs bending in quantum waveguides.
- Workshop:
Partial Differential Equations, Optimal Design and Numerics;
Benasque, Spain, August-September 2005;
Oral contribution:
Twisting vs bending in quantum waveguides.
Geometrical Aspects of Spectral Theory;
Matrei, Austria, July 2005;
Oral contribution:
Twisting vs bending in quantum waveguides.
3rd International Workshop:
Pseudo-Hermitian Hamiltonians in Quantum Physics;
Istanbul, Turkey, June 2005;
Oral contribution:
Damped wave equation in unbounded domains.
Department of Mathematics,
Istanbul Technical University;
Istanbul, Turkey, 17 June 2005;
Instability results for the damped wave equation in unbounded domains.
- Seminar:
Mathematisches Institut A,
Universitat Stuttgart;
Stuttgart, Germany, 21 April 2005;
Instability results for the damped wave equation in unbounded domains.
Journees de Metz 2005:
Analytic and Computational Problems in Spectral Theory and Applications;
Metz, France, April 2005;
Oral contribution:
A lower bound to the spectral threshold in curved tubes.
Quantum Circle,
Doppler Institute;
Prague, Czech Republic, 22 March 2005;
Nodal set of the Laplacian.
- Seminar:
Mathematisches Institut A,
Universitat Stuttgart;
Stuttgart, Germany, 22 November 2004;
A lower bound to the spectral threshold in curved tubes.
- Seminar:
Departement de Mathematiques,
Universite de Reims;
Reims, France, 23 September 2004;
Instability results for the damped wave equation in unbounded domains.
- QMath9:
Mathematical Results in Quantum Mechanics;
Giens, France, September 2004;
Oral contribution:
A lower bound to the spectral threshold in curved tubes.
- Seminars:
Centre de Physique Theorique;
Marseille, France, 10 and 17 September 2004;
Instability results for the damped wave equation in unbounded domains.
2nd International Workshop:
Pseudo-Hermitian Hamiltonians in Quantum Physics
Prague, Czech Republic, June 2004;
Oral contribution:
Instability results for the damped wave equation in unbounded domains.
Departamento de Matematica,
Instituto Superior Tecnico;
Lisbon, Portugal, 11 May 2004;
A lower bound to the spectral threshold in curved tubes.
Department of Theoretical Physics;
Nuclear Physics Institute
Rez, Czech Republic, 9 January 2004;
A lower bound to the spectral threshold in curved quantum waveguides.
Doppler Institute;
Prague, Czech Republic, 6 January 2004;
The nature of the essential spectrum in curved quantum waveguides.
Centro de Matematica e Aplicacoes Fundamentais,
Universidade de Lisboa;
Lisbon, Portugal, 4 December 2003;
Geometrically induced discrete spectrum in curved quantum layers.
Departamento de Matematica,
Instituto Superior Tecnico;
Lisbon, Portugal, 10 October 2003;
The nature of the essential spectrum in curved tubes.
- ICMP2003:
XIV International Congress on Mathematical Physics;
Lisbon, Portugal, July-August 2003;
Poster contribution:
The nature of the essential spectrum in curved quantum waveguides.
Young Researchers Symposium of ICMP2003;
Lisbon, Portugal, July 2003;
Oral contribution:
Geometrically induced bound states in curved quantum layers.
- Satellite Meeting of ICMP2003:
Mathematical Problems in Quantum Mechanics;
Lisbon, Portugal, July 2003;
Oral contribution:
Spectral properties of tubes.
Departement de Physique Theorique,
Universite de Geneve;
Geneva, Switzerland, 26 June 2003;
Geometrically induced bound states in curved quantum layers.
Departamento de Matematica,
Instituto Superior Tecnico;
Lisbon, Portugal, 11 March 2003;
Bound states in curved quantum layers.
Semiclassical Meeting;
Nantes, France, January 2003.
Kanazawa University;
Kanazawa, Japan, 6 December 2002;
Bound states in curved quantum layers.
Tokyo Metropolitan University;
Tokyo, Japan, 4 December 2002;
Bound states in curved quantum layers.
High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK);
Tsukuba, Japan, 26 November 2002;
Bound states in curved quantum waveguides.
Okayama University;
Okayama, Japan, 19 November 2002;
Bound states in curved quantum layers.
Quantum Hamiltonians with Magnetic Fields;
Bucharest, Romania, September 2002;
Oral contribution:
Bound states in curved quantum layers.
- Seminar:
Centre de Physique Theorique
Marseille, France, 17 July 2002
Bandes quantiques sur les surfaces
Guided Quantum Particles
Prague, Czech Republic, June 2002
Oral contribution:
Quantum strips on manifolds
Etats de la Recherche:
Operateurs de Schrodinger aleatoires: methodes, resultats
et perspectives
Paris, France, June 2002
Asymptotics in Differential Equations
Ufa, Russia, May 2002
Oral contribution:
Bound states in mildly curved quantum layers
Quantum Circle,
Doppler Institute
Prague, Czech Republic, 30 April 2002
Quantum strips on surfaces
Institut Fourier,
Universite de Grenoble
Grenoble, France, 23 April 2002
Guides d'ondes quantiques bidimensionnels
- Seminar:
Departement de Mathematiques,
Universite de Nantes
Nantes, France, 15 March 2002
Guides d'ondes quantiques bidimensionnels
- Seminar:
Department of Mathematics,
Royal Institute of Technology
Stockholm, Sweden, 15 February 2002
see QMath8 below
- Colloque
Mathematiques et Physique Quantique 2002
Bordeaux, France, January 2002
Oral contribution:
Guides d'ondes quantiques sur les surfaces
Quantum Circle,
Doppler Institute
Prague, Czech Republic, 8 January 2002
Quantum strips on surfaces
- QMath8:
Mathematical Results in Quantum Mechanics
Taxco, Mexico, December 2001
Oral contribution:
Bound states in curved quantum layers
Departement de Mathematiques,
Universite de Reims
Reims, France, October 2001
Proprietes spectrales des
guides d'ondes quantiques bidimensionnels
- Ecole d'ete:
Modeles Quantiques Relativistes
Piriac sur Mer, France, August 2001
- Seminar:
Centre de Physique Theorique
Marseille, France, 13 July 2001
Spectre des guides d'ondes quantiques bidimensionnels
Department of Theoretical Physics,
Nuclear Physics Institute
Rez, Czech Republic, 7 June 2001
Spectrum of quantum layers
- Colloque de l'
Ecole Doctorale de Physique et Sciences de la Matiere
Marseille, France, May 2001
Oral contribution:
Guides d'ondes quantiques
Quantum Circle,
Doppler Institute
Prague, Czech Republic, 3 January, 13 March and 29 May 2001
Bound states in quantum layers
- JSC 2001:
Journees Semiclassiques 2001
Paris, France, January 2001
- ICMP2000:
XIII International Congress on Mathematical Physics
London, United Kingdom, July 2000
Poster contribution:
Bound states in curved quantum layers
- PQS2000:
Prague Quantum Spring
Prague, Czech Republic, March-June 2000
- Sfb288:
Differential Geometry and Quantum Physics
Berlin, Germany, March 2000
Oral contribution:
Bound states in curved quantum layers
- JSC 2000:
Journees Semiclassiques 2000
Reims, France, January-February 2000
Oral contribution:
Locally curved quantum layers
- Journee du Groupe 3 (Systemes Dynamiques) du
Marseille, France, 1 December 1999
Oral contribution:
see WDS'99 below
- WDS'99: Week of Doctoral Students
Prague, Czech Republic, June 1999
Oral contribution:
Geometrically induced spectral and scattering
properties of quantum layers
- 4. setkani matematickych fyziku
Krnov, Czech Republic, April 1999
Winter School in Horni Polubny
Horni Polubny, Czech Republic, January 1999
Oral contribution:
see QMath7 below
- Journee du Groupe 3 (Systemes Dynamiques) du
Marseille, France, 16 December 1998
Oral contribution:
see QMath7 below
- QMath7:
Mathematical Results in Quantum Mechanics
Prague, Czech Republic, June 1998
Oral contribution:
Birman-Schwinger analysis for bound states
in a pair of parallel quantum waveguides with a semitransparent
Doppler Institute
Prague, Czech Republic, 28 April 1998
Oral contribution:
Parallel waveguides with a semitransparent boundary