Herve Bergeron
Guy Bouchitte
Lyonell Boulton
Jacques Bros
Monique Combescure
E. Brian Davies
Pavel Exner
Tamas Fulop
Stephan R. Garcia
Jean-Pierre Gazeau
Celine Gianesello
Manuel Gonzalez
Uwe Guenther
David Krejcirik
Sergey Kuzhel
Heinz Langer
Ari Laptev
Marco Marletta
Hagen Neidhardt
Petr Siegl
Johannes Sjostrand
Christiane Tretter
Carsten Trunk
Kresimir Veselic
Xue Ping Wang
Miloslav Znojil
Enrique Zuazua
Please note that,
according to the rules of ESF exploratory workshops,
the workshop is not open to public and the attendance is by invitation only.
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Last updated:
4 September 2010